Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

drug and alcohol abuse treatmentConquer your abusive behaviors with drug and alcohol abuse treatment from Prairie Counseling Services in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. If you are willing to take the first step towards recovery, we have the right program to help you accomplish your goal.

AODA Treatment

Treatment opportunities for persons dealing with the effects of drug and alcohol abuse/addictions include both group and individual counseling, education about the disease concept of addictions, and introduction to self-help groups and after-care groups. As a Chapter 20 approved provider for mandated OWI treatment programs, we make it easier for you to follow the terms of your sentence for motor vehicle infractions.

For help overcoming addictions, schedule an appointment with our mental health specialists in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

Prairie Counseling Services Logo

Prairie Counseling Services

1460 W Main St #150

Sun Prairie, WI. 53590
